
Sunday, February 16, 2014

Time goes by. . . .

When I started this blog I knew I was going to become a blogger something I have always wanted to do. Sometimes life takes you down another path. . . .

When I think of Andy a year ago I had just had to pull him out of school because it was not a good place for him. He was miserable and he was bed wetting on a nightly basis.

He wasn't in a good place this is how he spent a lot of time on the ground. This is at our neighborhood Target.  This was during his 10 weeks out of school.

Now he has almost been at his new school a year and the boy is different. He is happy, content and progressing.  I see a joy in his face he didn't have then.  Any bed wetting is a few times every now and then.
He is signing and trying to communicate more and more.
He is just happy and he has been that way for a year.  The growth this kid has made is awesome. . . .
That's are update for now. . . .till next time and hopefully that is sooner than latter.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Special Camp for Special Kids

Every once in a while in the journey with my son Andy with autism there is a place that has a special place in our hearts.

That is Special Camp for Special Kids for us.

Five years ago Special Camp was recommended to me a by a friend.  I looked at there website and I was excited.  Being single mom I was not sure if any place would understand or get Andy.  I was timid to let him go to this day camp. It is from 9-4 Monday -Friday.

The campers are paired with counselors.  These are high school students.  I have to say every year the counselor/camper match has been perfect and magical to say the least. They board buses and vans and go all over Southern California.

They go Bowling
Chuck e Cheese
Knott's Berry Farm 
plus many more.

After all this is my boy, my king

They had a blast
Let alone how was I going to manage this and would Andy like it. . .

They are currently $325.00 a week but they do offer scholarships.  They are very inclusive and really it's like a family outing! Most of all our kids have a great time and as a parent and teacher I know he is great hands.

I tell all my students parents about this camp. It is a special place!

I signed him up the next year and I kept talking to him about it. He had a blast.  They individualize so much for each camper. It is amazing and and they know the campers and fast.  They are just awesome.

This was his first year at camp four summers ago.  He was wearing the surfer look with his long hair.  He had a blast and we have been doing it every year.

I was very reluctant to send him to summer camp this year I had to pull him out of school for 2 1/2 months due to issues and my once happy child who loved to ride school buses.  Is now afraid of them. . .

On Monday I once again with my heart in my hand dropped Andy off at Special Camp.  This week has been nothing short of miracle.  I have to admit I was nervous but after dropping him off I knew he was in a good place.

My bus concerns were to put to rest as he rides in a van this week.  The first days I saw some anxiety out of him but yesterday he came into his own.

Yesterday the trip was to the San Diego Zoo! He had a blast the best time in Four Years!  I received a phone call from his senior counselor yesterday and  she told me what a blast he was having! It was awesome to get an update like that. . .

Here are a few pictures from yesterday at the zoo on the aireal tram and with the elephant.

All I have to say is Special Camp for Special Kids is such gift to our family. I know when he is there he is with people who enjoy and "get" him.  He is safe.  

 Most importantly he is having the time of his life!

Check this place out and if you know of anyone who can benefit from Special Camp please tell them about it!

I am look forward to Andy's 5th year at the camp next summer!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Life Sometimes takes you on a wandering path. . .

Last year when I started this blog my goal was to do this weekly, monthly and as needed.  In a few short weeks this school year will come to an end and all I can say is Thank God! I hope this means I have more time for this blog probably not but I will try. . .

As a teacher and as a parent this year has been jammed pack with twist and turns.  As time allows I will recap this year for my son!  He started the year in a moderate to severe SUCCESS classroom 3rd-5th grade but has ended the year in a small non-public school for kids with autism.

He has been at his new school a little over a month and now my boy is progressing for the first time all year which is so awesome!

For Now I will share a few pictures from this past school year. . . .of things we have done.

At Costco.  . .

At his favorite place the library.

Becoming an escape artist during behavior therapy and yes that is him on a Treadmill.

At the Grand Canyon in November and a picture that captures all of Andy.
For Now. . .not sure the purpose of this wandering post. . .I will update. . .Andy is doing awesome and progressing . . .

Saturday, July 28, 2012

And then came Proloquo2go. . .

Communicating with any child can be challenging. Communicating with a child with autism can be daunting at times.  My Andy is 10 years old with autism.  He has about 50-100 spoken words. About 80% of those is unintelligible. He uses words, pictures, writing, iPad and gestures to communicate. Andy loves to communicate. Sometimes determining what he is saying is like playing a game of charades. Heartbreaking for me because I really want to understand him when he talks so I can encourage talking.  His spoken communication began to flourish once he turned 9 years old. He talks but it is limited. Imagine how frustrated it would be to be talking and pulling out any method of communication and your mom does not understand. Sometimes I catch on in a moment other times it has taken minutes.

Though he can pronounce iPad, iPod and iPhone as clear as can be.

This morning he came up to me and tried to tell me what he wanted. He tapped me and said I wan ehaoua.  And so began the guessing game.  I know you want Whole Foods. He screams. McDonalds? He screams. Target? He says I want ehaoua.  I say spell it. He says Eoblr.  I say Carnival?

Okay get your iPad and tell me what you want. He finds his iPad navigates to the Las Vegas page that I hid from him and requests. I want Excalibur. Oh!

 For the next ten minutes we work on accepting No. I am so proud he tried talk and then used his iPad,
Two years ago this would not have been possible.

Before the iPad or proloquo Andy was locked in his world.  Communication was so daunting with no words and guessing games would only end up in tantrums.

Then I saw an article about the iPad and proloquo2go.  I bought an iPad and proloquo2go. Here is a link to proloquo2go.  I promptly bought and did not use it for six months.  I was so determined Andy was going to talk that I didn't need or want it.

Something changed last year at this time. Determined to give Andy a voice to decrease frustration I programmed proloquo2go.  My son was using proloqo2go within a week and fluently.  My work as a teacher has shown sometimes it is a magic bullet and sometimes there are students who not ready for it. But as teacher you work toward this goal day in and day out.

The iPad and Proloquo2go opened up a world to my son in many different ways.  For the first time in his life he was understood the first time he requested it not after many times of trying. We could do things that I thought would never happen such as argue. He can be persistent.  Most of all he can tell me how he feels. He has asthma so that is important.

Here is what a few of our pages looks like;
This is our home page. What I love about proloquo2go is that it is easier to program after only a few days of practicing.  Andy can read some words so you can use pictures or not use pictures. I can make pages on the go. My son can now order his food at his favorite restaurants.

 It takes a matter of minutes to make new pages.  This can done on a moments notice.  The last year of using the proloquo2go app has brought out my child. He can share his opinions. Most of all his personality is shining through.

Since Andy recently started writing we are working on typing in proloquo2go.  It is taking some practice but he is learning.
In closing there are lots of communications apps out there but in my opinion Proloquo2go for my son has been the answer to a lot of prayers.  It is worth checking out and there is a great deal of support on facebook. There is a Proloquo2go page, a professional proloquo2go group and a parent proloquo2go with excellent support.

Thank you Steve Jobs and Proloquo2go for developing two things that has changed my child's life and everyone who comes in contact with him. Thank you from this mom's heart.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The story of Obsessed with Letters

I will write post all about boy very soon. My son is 10 years old and on the severe side of autism but is very affectionate and is obsessed with letters. He has some words but is very very limited verbally. He communicates in many other ways.

 I just discovered a few months ago he can write.  We would go out and he would sit on the floor and trace any letter he can fine. Open signs, keep out signs and any letters anywhere.  He also loves youtube video's and he just discovered he loves when I write the titles to videos. He loves School House Rock.  Here is a small sampling of the titles I wrote for him over and over today.

Here is a sampling of his writing

A huge influence on his learning to write was the app Letters School. Is the reason he has learned to write at 10 years old when the "professionals" discounted it. Here is the link to letter school.

I recommend this app highly!

My boy is pulling me away from the computer so I can write some more for him. Till next time but this is the story of Obsessed with Letters.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

A chance encounter. . .

Many times throughout this journey with my boy there have been moments of feelings of despair.  These are usually the times when I am in the middle of the store and my boy is having meltdown. More than likely over buying a DVD or a DVD player(I will delve into this in a later post). My precious lovely giant is attempting to push me out of the way to get what ever his eyes are focused on.  It is still these occasional moments that get me down. It during these times where you think everyone is looking at you. Some look in amazement others just walk back as I stand there wondering if we will ever be leaving the store in one piece.  Some kind folks will offer assistance and others tell you what a precious boy you have.

Yesterday, I was in wholefoods with my boy and he was having a good day.  He had his iPhone in his hand and was quietly by my side as we were checking out. As I turned around I saw mom holding her precious son's hands that look upon her face was like "please god let us get through this checkout line in one piece." My heart sank because I have had  that look one to many times. She mumbled to her son please don't bite that boy looking at my son. Our eyes met and it was a look of understanding in knowing our boys both had autism. We briefly talked and I exited the line all I can say was he was precious and god bless. My son and I walked to our same seat in the cafe section as I looked out the widow and saw that mom walking through parking lot holding on to her son for dear life.  This moment changed me as I walked out of the store knowing that in my heart there is something more I need to be doing for children and parents of children with autism.

I am not sure what it is but I believe this blog and my work as a special education teacher is a step in the right direction. 

Saturday, July 14, 2012

To start again


Welcome to Obsessed with Letters a blog regarding life with autism and just life. I am single mother to Andy (my boy) with autism.  He communicates in many different ways.  I also teach students with autism.

Growing up I knew I was a writer and a procrastinator. I use to say I was a writer that did not write. I have a started blog many time and many times I have stopped.  So once again I start this journey on blogging. Please join us in the long bumpy curvy journey. Welcome once again to Obsessed with Letters.